Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Response to ''why can't Ex-Felons vote Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Response to ''why can't Ex-Felons vote - Essay Example Loss of political voice is the worst type of oppression citizens may be exposed to. They are no longer able to choose the leaders they desire. In such states therefore, the statutes governing the right to vote should be amended so ex-felons regain eligibility to vote. This will restore the political voice of crime-hit districts. The restoration of rights to vote should not be left to depend entirely on the governor, as this will mean that not all ex-felons will be allowed to vote. Looking back in history, disenfranchisement laws were crafted to bar blacks with even minor criminal record from polls and this brings about the issue of racism. This limits blacks from exercising their right to vote and such laws should be made more reasonable so that even states populated by blacks do not lose their voice in American politics with time. In any nation that believes in democracy, ex-felons should be allowed to vote as this leads to bitterness and alienation. Sometimes these people have honestly transformed yet no matter what they do, they are not allowed to contribute to the politics of their nation. Such people end up going back to crime as life with the restrictions of an ex-felon is unbearable. It is only fair therefore if they are allowed to vote. This issue has been confused as partisan between the republicans and democrats, with each group having different views, as it is clear to them that restoration of voting rights to these people will change the political alignment. However, this should not be the case in a democratic nation. In the law of any nation, and this includes America, voting is a basic human right and not a privilege. This right essentially defines one as a citizen of a specific nation. When ex-felons are denied the right to vote, then they can no longer be described as citizens, they are therefore

Monday, October 28, 2019

Lost in Translation Essay Example for Free

Lost in Translation Essay Eva Hoffman tells an outstanding story of her familys move from Poland to America in the late 1950s when Eva was a young 13 years old. Lost in Translation portrays Evas maturity through the growing pains of identity through her immigration experience. Language, culture, and perception are considered in Evas memoir of the immigrant experience. These are issues that most interpreters have encountered. When learning a new language we experienced a degree of the dislocation so eloquently described. Many aspects of Evas life change when she moves to Canada. Evas first day of school in Canada immedately protrays the new lifestyle in which she encounters. The teacher is unable to properly pronounce her name, Ewa, and is quick to Americanize the name to Eva. Many immigrants, presumably, go through the same occurance. Words do not sound the same or are not easily pronounced in a different language so they are changed to something easier in the language. Not only is Evas language lost, at this point her entire identity is stripped from her. Passion for the piano soon is lost with Evas new life in America. Culturally, the piano is not as prestigious of an occupation in Canada as it was in Poland. Writing becomes Evas new passion. Being able to completely grasp, understand, and articulate herself is what Eva wanted to express in life. Instead of expressing herself through music as she once had, she expressed herself through words. Each section can be seen as a period of growth. Paradise is fantacy, childish, and naà ¯ve. Exile describes adolescences, where finding oneself and an understanding of the world is through growth. And finally, the New World portrays Evas maturity of life experiences. She is finally able to truly comprehend her past and present world. Concluding the story Eva says, The way to jump over my Great Divide is to crawl back over it in English. Its only when I retell my whole story, back to the beginning, and from the beginning onward, in one language, that I can reconcile the voices within me with each other. Lost in Translation gives an analogy of Eva being lost, referring to life  as she immigrates into America. Eva also struggles with losing herself in the process of translation from Polish to English. As Eva matures and gains an understanding of the English language, culture, and life as a whole, she is able to go back in time to analyze and connect what really occurred throughout her life. Translation may be just as problematic as it pertains to the self introduced into a new language and culture as to linguistically understanding the language itself.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Ethical Issues Surrounding Genetic Screening and Genetic Engineering Es

Ethical Issues Surrounding Genetic Screening and Genetic Engineering In today’s modern age science is moving at a rapid pace; one of those scientific fields that has taken the largest leaps is that of genetics. When genetics first comes to mind, many of us think of it as a type of science fiction, or a mystical dream. Yet genetics is here, it is real, and has numerous ethical implications. One of the particular areas of interest is prenatal genetics. In this field, many new and outstanding innovations have been made. A mother and father can now check for a large array of disorders that could occur in their child; sexual preference has now been shifted from the hands of a higher being to that of someone with a Ph.D.; and in the near future, a couple will possibly be able to choose the physical features of their child, such as hair color, eye color, etc. Scientifically speaking, all of these new options that parents have is amazing. Not only can they have a healthy baby, but one that is going to be stronger, and better looking. Yet, ethically speaking, many people would dislike the â€Å"playing† of God. And when it becomes possible to create a perfect child, what will prevent us in society from doing so? The field of genetics in prenatal situations has become very advanced over the past few years, yet many of these advancements have given arise to unethical appl ications. In 1990, the first great stride of genetics took place. This was called the Human Genome Project, a large-scale operation that was designed to understand the human genome (genetic structure). Since its commencement, there have been many leaps and bounds that have taken place. For certain genetic issues that we once knew nothing about, we no... ...r the ADA: A Case For Protection From Employment Discrimination.† The Georgetown Law Journal 89.4 Apr. (2001): 973-99. Kluger, Jeffrey. â€Å"Who owns our genes?†Time 163.1 Jan. (1999): 51 Parens, Erik., Adrienne Asch. â€Å"The Disability Rights Critique of Prenatal Genetic testing: reflections and recommendations.† The Hastings Center Report 29.5 Sept./Oct. (1999): S1-S22 Pearson, John. â€Å"Regulation In the Face of Technological Advance: Who Makes These Cells Anyway?† Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics, & Public Policy 13.1 (1999): 1-8. Reiss, Michael. â€Å"What Sort of People Do We Want? The Ethics of Changing People Through Genetic Engineering.† Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics, & Public Policy 13.1 (1999): 63-92. White, Mary. â€Å"Making Responsible Decisions: An Interpretive Ethic for Genetic Decisionmaking.† The Hastings Center Report 29.1 Jan./Feb. (1999): 14-21.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Reconstruction of African Americans Dbq Essay

African Americans were given the opportunity to vote. There opinion began to matter. As Alfred H. Ward expresses in his art black men waiting in a line, it means much more than a single file. Displaying the men dressed in different outfits and uniforms waiting to put in their opinion, their vote (Document A). Negroes were now being viewed as another person and another opinion needed. It was even expressed that one shall not be denied a vote for their race (Document C). This is yet again another prime example of the African Americans new progress in a political aspect. Though it may seem a simple and smooth change it wasn’t a golden path through the transformation, some still could not accept the fact that black deserve to have the right to vote. Dramatic words and publication were existent during the late 19-century, even a cartoon was published of an African American man dying, and reason of death being he used his right to vote (document F). Soon the African Americans had their heads soaring high, some people were finally giving them some social respect. Along with the 14th amendment supporting their new freedom things seemed to be changing. Simply re stated â€Å" no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States† just with the first statement, African Americans are entitled to even more rights (Document B). Again, the civil rights act of 1875, this enacted that all persons of the U. S. shall be entitled to full enjoyment of accommodations, advantages, and privileges of inns, public water and entertainment. Also stating that this is applicable to every citizen of every race (Document D). Though yet again things were not always so positive and equal. â€Å"Jim crow laws of the deep south† created many restrictions and much un fair treatment. To the extent of marriages between white and blacks were prohibited in Florida (Document H). In Georgia one could not burry an African American where whites were buried (Document H). Also, in Mississippi, discussion of or defending for social equality would immediately be guilty of a misdemeanor (Document H). Some cases so harsh that blacks who would assert their rights would face unemployment, eviction, and sometimes physical harm. From evidence shown the African Americans had dramatic reconstruction stages in both political views along with social views. They received some respect and rights of being created equal. They also received their right to vote. Though, it didn’t all become easy and perfect they had much progress of reconstruction. Many changes were made. As many lives were transformed.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Russian Foreign Policy

Russian foreign policy: priorities, challenges and perspectives According to the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation drawn up by the Russian Foreign Ministry, Russia should become a balancing factor in conditions of global turbulence in the development of global civilization. Due to some factors the world now is getting unstable and unpredictable.Among these factors are the global crisis, a powerful catalyst of deep changes in the geopolitical landscape, the weakening of the role of the UN, the strengthening of trans border challenges and threats, where threats in the information space are key items and the tendency towards the re-ideologization of international relations. Nevertheless, Russia is given the unique role of a balancing factor in international affairs and the development of the world civilization.So, Russia will build its foreign policy in accordance with several top priorities. The main goal is to help save the world economy, to promote the formation of a fair and democratic global trade-economic architecture. In addition, Russia should fight interference in countries' internal affairs; seek respect for human rights and liberties with regard for the national, cultural, and historical characteristics of every country.Also Russia must prevent military interventions and other forms of interference. Russia's second top priority is  the European Union (special emphasis is on the introduction of a visa-free regime). It concerns Russia's major partners in Europe (Germany, France, Italy, and the Netherlands) with which Russia is actively working in the gas sphere and cooperation with the OSCE, NATO, and the countries of Northern Europe, the Baltic States, and the Balkans.The third top priority of Russia is the U. S. , from which Russia will seek legal guarantees that the missile defense systems will not be targeted against Russian nuclear restraint forces and the observance of international law, including the principle of non-interference in countr ies' internal affairs. In the meantime, the development of friendly relations with China and India is an important area of Russian foreign policy.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cómo acreditar la ciudadanía por naturalización

Cà ³mo acreditar la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n Los nuevos estadounidenses que obtienen la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n  pueden acreditar su estatus mediante un certificado conocido como N-550. Es el documento que se entrega al finalizar la ceremonia de naturalizacià ³n con la jura de lealtad a los Estados Unidos. Tambià ©n se le conoce como certificado de naturalizacià ³n y no debe confundirse con el certificado de ciudadanà ­a, que es un documento distinto para otro tipo de casos. El certificado de naturalizacià ³n debe revisarse con atencià ³n en ese momento y, si hubiera algà ºn error, como un mal deletreo del nombre o del apellido o un fallo en la fecha de nacimiento o paà ­s de origen o en el estado civil, debe comunicarse a un oficial del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En ese momento podr corregirse de forma gratuita. Este certificado de naturalizacià ³n es muy importante. Ya que acredita que una persona ha dejado de ser extranjera por las autoridades de los Estados Unidos. Y, por lo tanto, se convierte en ciudadana estadounidense de pleno derecho, con todos los derechos, libertades y obligaciones.   Adems, este certificado sirve para acreditar la nacionalidad para sacar el pasaporte estadounidense y como documento que pruebe al llenar el I-9 que se tiene derecho a trabajar en Estados Unidos. En este artà ­culo se explican cules son las caracterà ­sticas del certificado de naturalizacià ³n, que est prohibido hacer con à ©l, cules son los consejos que deben seguirse en su custodia, quà © debe hacerse si se extravà ­a o deteriora y, finalmente, derechos de los nuevos ciudadanos que deciden irse a vivir definitivamente o por largas temporadas a otro paà ­s. Caracterà ­sticas fà ­sicas del certificado de naturalizacià ³n N-550 En la actualidad este documento cuenta con importantes medidas de seguridad que dificultan su falsificacià ³n. Por ejemplo, la foto del nuevo ciudadano aparece digitalizada, la firma forma parte intrà ­nseca del certificado y la tinta con la que se imprime cambia de color. Todas estas caracterà ­sticas hacen que ahora sea muy difà ­cil adulterar, falsificar o manipular el documento. Destacar que los certificados anteriores a 2010, que carecen de esas caracterà ­sticas, siguen siendo vlidos. Pero debido a caracterà ­sticas como tener la foto del interesado simplemente pegada y su firma escrita a mano hacen que no sean tan seguros como los actuales. Por este motivo, se recomienda que se tomen especiales medidas para tenerlo siempre en un lugar seguro para evitar que pueda caer en manos criminales. Prohibicià ³n de fotocopiar el certificado de naturalizacià ³n y excepcià ³n Este certificado es mucho ms que un simple papel. Su titular es ciudadano de Estados Unidos, con todos los derechos que eso conlleva. Y precisamente para evitar que se pueda hacer uso fraudulento del mismo, se considera que es ilegal fotocopiarlo. Sin embargo, hay una excepciones a esta regla general. Y es que se  puede fotocopiar cuando el propio USCIS u otra oficina del gobierno es quien solicita una copia. Por ejemplo, cuando el nuevo ciudadano solicita una visa para su prometido o novia, o cuando pide una green card para un familiar. Aà ºn en estos casos, algunos abogados recomiendan que la fotocopia se haga en blanco y negro y que en la parte blanca del margen se anote This is a copy for USCIS purposes. Tambià ©n se puede fotocopiar cuando sea otro organismo oficial del gobierno quien realiza la peticià ³n. En algunas ceremonias de naturalizacià ³n, los agentes del USCIS seà ±alan que el certificado sà ­ se puede fotocopiar pero sà ³lo en blanco y negro y sà ³lo para que su titular lo guarde y lo utilice como una herramienta para tener tranquilidad mental. Es decir, saber que tiene una copia si el original se pierde. (Pero la copia no puede nunca ser utilizada para ninguna gestià ³n oficial excepto en los dos casos arriba aludidos). En ningà ºn caso se puede fotocopiar y enviar la copia a una empresa privada o entregarla a familiares, amigos o vecinos. Consejos para el mantenimiento del Certificado de naturalizacià ³n Procurar  no doblar el certificado. Con el paso del tiempo podrà ­a hacer que partes del documento se hagan difà ­ciles de leer. No enmarcar el certificado. Las oficinas del gobierno sà ³lo lo pueden aceptar como documento si no est enmarcado. Es necesario poder tocar el certificado.Si tiene que ir a la Embajada o al consulado de su paà ­s de nacimiento para registrar la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense y asà ­ conservar la original, no permitir  que marquen, grapen o escriban en el certificado. Si lo hacen, el certificado se considera daà ±ado y habr que pedir uno nuevo al USCIS (instrucciones ms abajo). Quà © hacer si se necesita obtener una nueva copia del certificado de naturalizacià ³n Puede suceder que el certificado sufra daà ±os, se extravà ­e o, incluso, que se cambie de nombre por matrimonio, divorcio u otra razà ³n. En estos casos se puede solicitar que el USCIS emita un nuevo certificado rellenando el formulario N-565. La tarifa actual que hay que pagar es de $345 por la gestià ³n (verificar siempre el importe, a que puede variar sin previo aviso).   Si se est pasando por una à ©poca de dificultades econà ³micas, podrà ­a ser posible, si se cumplen los requisitos, aplicar para no tener que pagar estar tarifa al USCIS En ese enlace se puede acceder siempre a formulario actualizado, a informacià ³n al dà ­a sobre costo por enviar esta solicitud y a quà © oficina del USCIS se debe enviar, dependiendo del lugar en el que se reside. El USCIS entregar el nuevo certificado al titular en persona, a su representante legal o utilizar correo certificado o registrado. Si la razà ³n por la que se pide el nuevo certificado es que el original se ha daà ±ado, antes de recibir el nuevo hay que entregar, obligatoriamente, lo que quede del daà ±ado. El certificado de naturalizacià ³n reemplazado recibe el nombre tà ©cnico de N-570. A tener en cuenta cuando el ciudadano se muda a otro paà ­s Ahora que ya se es ciudadano,se puede pasar largas temporadas en otro paà ­s o mudarte definitivamente al extranjero sin perder nunca el estatus de ciudadano por el mero hecho de vivir en otro paà ­s. En estos casos es importante saber cà ³mo se transmite la nacionalidad por sangre a los  hijos nacidos en el extranjero. Asimismo, es importante saber quà © derechos de jubilacià ³n se tiene u otros como votar en las elecciones presidenciales. Por otra parte, no olvidar que se siguen teniendo obligaciones, como  seguir pagando impuestos en Estados Unidos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on ACME

Our company is ACME Express. We provide shipping services for small businesses, local companies, and residences in the southwestern region of the United States. A map of the region serviced is attached in Appendix A. Our home office is in Phoenix, Arizona. Our services range from letters up to large boxes. We have 90 trucks in our shipping fleet. The trucks are Chevrolet T-Series work trucks. For overnight mail, we ship our packages on America West Airlines. We use America West who is also being based in Phoenix. We have steadily been growing since opening in 1995. Although more recently, we have notice problems with competing against the larger shipping companies such as, FedEx, UPS, and USPS. We feel the company provides good customer service and more personalized attention. This allows us to retain our current customers but we lack in technology to compete with the larger shipping companies. The CEO and Board of Directors meet on April 1st, 2001 in their quarterly meeting to discuss ideas to enhance the company’s growth in the market again. The ideas that were brought up are to widen our region for delivery from the southwest to the western region of the United States, develop a website, offer new billing options, purchase our own fleet of airplanes for overnight shipping, and offer package tracking. We feel providing the best customer service, personalized attention, and good rates would be damaged by widening our delivery area or spending money to buy our own fleet of airplanes. The number of packages we ship through America West Airlines is very small due to our relatively small delivery area. Therefore, each of the Board of Directors were assigned an issue to research and present to the CEO and other Directors at the next meeting on April 18th, 2001. The decision was made to focus on the package tracking, website, and billing issues. These three items will help the company to compete with the... Free Essays on ACME Free Essays on ACME Our company is ACME Express. We provide shipping services for small businesses, local companies, and residences in the southwestern region of the United States. A map of the region serviced is attached in Appendix A. Our home office is in Phoenix, Arizona. Our services range from letters up to large boxes. We have 90 trucks in our shipping fleet. The trucks are Chevrolet T-Series work trucks. For overnight mail, we ship our packages on America West Airlines. We use America West who is also being based in Phoenix. We have steadily been growing since opening in 1995. Although more recently, we have notice problems with competing against the larger shipping companies such as, FedEx, UPS, and USPS. We feel the company provides good customer service and more personalized attention. This allows us to retain our current customers but we lack in technology to compete with the larger shipping companies. The CEO and Board of Directors meet on April 1st, 2001 in their quarterly meeting to discuss ideas to enhance the company’s growth in the market again. The ideas that were brought up are to widen our region for delivery from the southwest to the western region of the United States, develop a website, offer new billing options, purchase our own fleet of airplanes for overnight shipping, and offer package tracking. We feel providing the best customer service, personalized attention, and good rates would be damaged by widening our delivery area or spending money to buy our own fleet of airplanes. The number of packages we ship through America West Airlines is very small due to our relatively small delivery area. Therefore, each of the Board of Directors were assigned an issue to research and present to the CEO and other Directors at the next meeting on April 18th, 2001. The decision was made to focus on the package tracking, website, and billing issues. These three items will help the company to compete with the...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

18 ACT Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Score

18 ACT Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Score SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Looking for some quick fixes to improve your ACT scores? Look no further. In this article, we give you severaltips and tricks for the ACT so that you can get your best possible scores on every section. First, I'll go through specific tips for each of the five sections (English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing). Then, I'll provide you with overall tips you can use throughout the test.Note that these are all last-minute test-taking advice tidbits rather than in-depth study hacks. Therefore,it's best to view them as light icing on top of a delicious cake representing the ACT expertise you've developed over a longer period of time. ACT English Tips The first section you'll take on the ACT is the English section, which focuses on your knowledge of grammar as well as your editing skills. #1: Choose the Most Concise Answer ACT English questions look for answers that result in the most straightforward, logical sentence structure, so try to find the choice that provides all of the necessary information for the sentence to make grammatical sense- and nothing extra. The best writing says what it needs to say clearly and concisely! #2: Read the Paragraph First A good plan of attack for ACT English is to read the whole paragraph that has the sentence you must revise before you look at the answer choices.This will give you context for your choices and a better grasp on the structure of the sentence and how you might need to change it.With this strategy, you can reduce the number of errors you make caused by careless misreadings. #3: Be Careful With "No Change" Answers On ACT English questions that ask you to choose the answer that makes a sentence grammatically correct, you'll have the option to pick "No Change." This is a dangerous choice because if you aren’t aware of more obscure grammar rules, you might be tempted to choose it on some questions for which the sentence actually can be improved. Thus, it’s really important to double-check all other answers before settling on "No Change" as the correct choice. That said, keep in mind that "No Change" really is the correct answer around25-30% of the time it's an option, so don't second-guess yourself if you're relatively certain there isn't an error. Read the sentence through with each of the possible suggested changes before you bubble in â€Å"No Change† to ensure that you’re ultimately making the right call. ACT Math Tips Up next is the ACT Math section. Here, we give you two key tips you'll need to know in order to get a high Math score on test day. #4: Pay Attention to Diagrams The ACT Math section will often provide you with diagrams of figures that describe the problem you’re trying to answer.It’s important to pay attention to these figures, asthey will give you clues about which answer choices are the most logical. If a problem asks you to figure out an angle, for example, and some of the choices are acute while others are obtuse, you’ll be able to eliminate at least a couple of these answers just by looking at the diagram.If it doesn’t seem like an answer is possible based on the visual aid alone, it’s usually safe to cross it out. #5: Plug In Answers and Numbers Two of the most important strategies to help you confirm you've got the correct answer on a math problem are to plug in answersand plug in numbers. Here's how to plug in answers: if a question asks you to solve for x,simplyplug each answer choice back into the original equation and see which one works. This will tell you which answer choice is the correct one. You don’t even need to really solve the problem! Plugging in numbers is a little different. With this strategy, you'll choose random numbers to plug into algebraic variables. This strategy lets you analyze the problem using real numbers instead of unknowns, and works best for questions with multiple variables. While helpful, these strategies can sometimes be more time consuming than just solving the equation directly, so only use them as a last resort if you're stumped. All you gotta do is find the right answer cord. ACT Reading Tips With ACT Reading- the third section on the test- you'll need to know how to read and interpret passages both quickly and accurately. #6: Start With Your Strengths The ACT Reading section is always structured the same way with four topic areas in the same order. Each topic corresponds to a passage or pair of passages.These topics are as follows: Prose fiction/literary narrative Social science Humanities Natural science To make sure you’re getting the most out of this section, start by reading the passage(s) that correspond to the topic area in which you are most comfortable.This might simply mean starting with subject matter that is most interesting to you and will thus make for a quicker read. This way, you can get the questions that are easiest for you out of the way first and won’t risk running out of time before you have a chance to answer others. #7: Skim Passages There’s a lot of time pressure on the ACT Reading section, so try to read the passages as efficiently as possible.For some students, it might be manageable to read passages normally and still have enough time to finish the section, but you have to be a really quick and thorough reader in order to pull this off. The best strategy for most people is to skim the passages instead.In order to skim effectively,read the introduction and conclusion paragraphs as well as the first and last sentences of every body paragraph.This will give you a good overview of the main ideas and allow you to answer most main point questions.When you get to questions about details, you can then reread specific parts of the passage if necessary. ACT Science Tips For the Science section, you'll need to know how to interpret data and must answer questions dealing with graphs, tables, and scientific experiments. Here are our two best tips. #8: Do the Conflicting Viewpoints Section Last Theconflicting viewpoints section on ACT Science is usually the most time consuming for students. In case you’re not familiar with it, this part of the section asks you to read two or three passages that detail different viewpoints on a scientific issue.You'll then answer questions about these viewpoints and how they relate to one another. Since this is more reading-intensive and can eat up a lot of time, it’s best to save this part for last so that you don’t end up missing other questions later on in the section that will be quicker and easier for you to answer. #9: Rely On Visuals The ACT Science section hits you with a lot of complicated terminology and unfamiliar facts that make it seem overwhelming.The best policy when faced with all of this information is to ignore it and go straight for the graphs, which should provide enough information for you to answer the majority of the questions you’re faced with. Most of the information you’re given is just extra stuff thrown in there to make this section seem more difficult than it really is. In reality,ACT Science is more about logical reasoning and data interpretation than it is about actually knowing any science. As long as you can read the graphs, you'll be fine! If you can't read this graph, drink more coffee. ACT Essay Tips The ACT Writing section, or Essay, is an optional section and the last one you'll take (if you signed up to take it). Below, we give you two expert tips to help you get the Essay score you deserve. #10: Pres Since ACT Essay prompts are relatively predictable, you can do some of your own essay planning before the test to save yourself time and stress.Choose concrete examples from art, history, literature, and/or personal experience; try not to use hypothetical or vague examples to support your points. Keep in mind that all of the facts you use in your essay don’t necessarily have to be true. Graders don’t have time to fact-check, so they'll take everything you write at face value. This means you can make up statistics or historical facts to support your thesis, and you won't be penalized! #: Write a Great Intro and Conclusion It’s likely that the essay graders will read your introduction and conclusion more closely than they will the rest of your essay. If they can find your thesis easily, you're already on the right track to earning a great Essay score.As long as you have body paragraphs that make sense and support the points outlined in your thesis, graders will likely give you at least a 4 in the Organization and Ideas and Analysis domains. You'll also need to write a conclusion paragraph thatrestates your thesis andshows a strong understanding of how all your points relate to one another. If you can demonstrate basic knowledge of how to logically structure an essay and stay on topic, you'll be good to go. Overall ACT Tips Now, let's wrap up with some general ACT tips to help you feel more confident for test day. #12: Skip Hard Questions On the ACT, time pressure is a very real problem for many students. To avoid losing points, you need to learn to skip questions that are giving you trouble before they eat up too much of your time.â€Å"Too much of your time† means something different for each section: English: more than 30 seconds per question Math: more than 60 seconds per question Reading: more than 45 seconds per question Science: more than 45 seconds per question As a rule of thumb, if you feel like you’re not any closer to figuring out a question after about 30 seconds, move on.Circle that question so that it’s easier to spot later on when you want to go back to it. Then, make a quick pass through the whole section and answer all of the easy questions first so you don’t miss points by running out of time before you're able to get through everything. #13: Use the Process of Elimination For every section of the ACT, use the process of elimination as your main strategy for attacking tough or confusing questions.This ties into the fundamental rule of ACT reading, which says that for every question there is only one completely correct answer- the rest can be eliminated based on evidence in the passage. The process of elimination is more foolproof than trying to pick out the correct answer from the pack. Look for reasons to get rid of choices rather than reasons why they might work. This will help you be more picky about which answer you bubble in, and will also prevent you from thinking that more than one answer might be correct.If there’s even one tiny thing out of place in an answer choice, get rid of it! #14: Bubble at the End You can save time on the ACT bywaiting until the end of a section to bubble in your answers. This cuts down on your time per question by letting you avoid the process of going back and forth between your test booklet and answer sheet.It’s more efficient to circle the answers you choose in your test booklet and then fill them in all at once later. Before using this tip, though,make sure you can reliably finish the section with at least three to five minutes to spare!Don't risk running into a situation in which you don’t have enough time to bubble in your answers even though you’ve gone through all of the questions. Just as you are legally obligated to pop all of the bubbles in a sheet of bubble wrap, so too must you fill in all bubbles on the ACT. #15: Answer Every Question Since there isno penalty for guessingon the ACT, make sure youfill ineverybubble!An incorrect answer and an unanswered question both have the same impact on your raw score, so even if you have no idea how to answer something, it's best to go ahead and guess anyway. #16: Get a Good Night's Sleep the Day Before the Test It might sound cheesy, but you'll feel a lot more prepared (and awake) on test day if you get a solid amount of shuteye the night before the test. How many hours you need to feel well rested varies depending on the person, but generally it's good to aim for at least eight hours of sleep. Heading into test day feeling sleepy and exhausted can dramatically affect your ability to focus and potentially lower your score. So get to bed early! #17: Eat a Hearty Breakfast In addition to the tip above, it's equally important to eat a healthy, satisfying breakfast before you take the ACT. This way you'll feel more awake and energized before taking the test. What's more, you won't have to worry about a growling stomach later on! #18: Stay Calm The most important thing to remember during the ACT is to keep a cool head.Especially given the time pressure, students who suffer from test anxiety often freak out if they have to skip a few questions.Don’t let this happen to you! Keep moving forward and answer what you can.You might find questions that initially seemed impossible are much easier when you come back to them. The nice thing about the ACT is that once you get through a section, you’re completely done with that subject. So you won’t have to worry about it until the next time you take the test (if that time even comes!). Review: 18 Tips for Improving Your ACT Score You can quickly improve your section scores on the ACT if you remember to use these 18 tips before and during the test. Let's recap: ACT English Tips Choose the Most Concise Answer Read the Whole Paragraph First Be Careful With "No Change" Answers ACT Math Tips Pay Attention to Diagrams Plug In Answers and Numbers ACT Reading Tips Start With Your Strengths Skim Passages ACT Science Tips Do the Conflicting Viewpoints Section Last Rely On Visuals ACT Essay Tips Pres Write a Great Intro and Conclusion Overall ACT Tips Skip Hard Questions Use the Process of Elimination Bubble at the End Answer Every Question Get a Good Night's Sleep the Day Before the Test Eat a Hearty Breakfast Stay Calm Remember, these are quick fixes that aren’t substitutes for studying content and gaining a deeper understanding of your mistakes.You should read some of our other articles, like this one on how to get a 36 on the ACT, to supplement your use of these tips and tricks! What's Next? If you're looking to do some more hardcore studying, take a look at this list of the top 10 books you should be using for ACT prepand this list of the best websites for ACT prep. Are you taking the ACT soon and need some advice on last-minute strategies you can use? Here are the bestguides to read for last-minute ACT prep. Haven't scheduled your test date yet? Find out the best ACT date for you! Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by ACT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. 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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Critically discuss how speakers notions of both tellability and Essay

Critically discuss how speakers notions of both tellability and tellership (as defined by Ochs & Capps 2001) have been found to differ depending on their gender - Essay Example When there are many tellers, multiple narratives overlap, interact and create a comprehensive, new narrative. Sometimes, a narrative is defeated by a counter-narrative also (Ochs and Capps, 2001, 43). This concept can also be elaborated as; â€Å"tellability is related not only to the sensational nature of events but also to the significance of events for particular interlocutors and the way in which events are rhetorically shaped in narrative† (Ochs and Capps, 2001, 34). There have also been other definitions for tellability and tellership. Duranti (2006, 282) has said that â€Å"tellability refers to the significance of the narrated experience and the rhetorical style in which it is related.† He (2006, Duranti, 282) also added that some experience have high tellability and some have low. â€Å"Experience recounted as highly reportable (and) in a compelling manner† is considered as highly tellable and â€Å"experience recounted as moderately reportable and in an uncompelling manner† is evaluated as having low tellability (Duranti, 2006, 282). Tellability has bee n defined by Herman (2009, 382), by drawing ideas from many other scholars (Herman 2002; Labov 1972; Waletzky 1969; Norrick 2007; Prince 1987; Ryan 1991), as â€Å"that which makes an event or configuration of events relevantly reportable†¦ in a given communication situation†. Another simple definition for tellability is that when we say â€Å"stories need to have tellability†¦.they need to have a point† to make† (from Male Narrative pdf that you gave [Author’s name is needed here, you have not given me the name], 21). There are two conflicting factors in a narrative, according to Ochs and Capps (2001,24). They are, â€Å"narrators’ yearning for coherence of life experience and their yearning for authenticity† (Ochs and Capps, 2001, 24). A woman’s narrative always tend to favor coherence of life experience even at the cost

Comparing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Comparing - Essay Example They argue for urgent international agreements on limiting such publications and making the requirement of such verifiable data in publications restricted to the higher authorities. The arguments sound valid, since it refers to the possibilities of mass destruction if such data ends up in the wrong hands. History has taught us that this could be the case, if proper precautionary measures are not taken. Ray Kurzweil’s talk titled ‘The Coming Singularity’ deals with a similar topic. He reflects on the possibility of the reverse engineering of the human brain. He feels that the pace at which computer technology develops is phenomenal, and in the coming years, there will be machines that are superior to human beings. It won’t be an extra-terrestrial invasion that we will have to deal with in the future, but an invasion that comes of our on inventions that replace the human brain, complete with emotional intelligence. While this may have its good effects, one has to be aware of the downsides too. While computer technology grows exponentially, the possibilities of its related fields, like biotechnology misusing the developments to re-create a genome of a deadly virus and to use it as part of bio-terror exists. There has to be a system in place to fight any such possibilities, the way the software viruses are fought

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Contemporaty Middle East is the class The paper is the development Essay

The Contemporaty Middle East is the class The paper is the development of Israel and Palestine - Essay Example However, the wider aspect of the demarcations in monetary matters remains, to a magnanimous extent, an overt situation (Silverburg 16). For instance, during last year in the globalization context, the new tend of the debate was acknowledged between the Nobel Prize winner in monetary issues who staged for cautioning the eradication of economic borders worldwide. However, his opponents represented the opposite notion in their purported Washington consensus. Observably, with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian clash, and most notably throughout the 90’s arbitrations, the diverse positions on the merits and demerits of the monetary or economic demarcations served an overtly consummate role. Moreover, the being of the Oslo process, which was primarily, based on momentary and gradualism plans, called off the issue of the demarcations, inclusive of the monetary ones, to a later time. Additionally, this was nevertheless an oversight but more of a part and parcel of what made the Oslo process executable in the eyes of its designers, a component with ambiguity. Moreover, the Shahar committee, nominated by the Rabin’s administration in February 1993, in preparation of monetary negotiations with the Palestinians, found its recommendations on the presupposition a demarcation, inclusive of an economic one, would not possibly subsist between the sides in the course of an interim level (Silverburg 9). Thus, this presupposition, founded and motivated by political aspects and purportedly by a prospect of a lasting monetary integration, dictated most of the committee’s conclusions and led, in April 1994, to the effective affirmation of the Protocol surrounding monetary relations among the administration of the nations and the PLO, which resultantly represented the Palestinian inhabitants, better referred to as the Protocol of Paris. One of the exhilarating aspects of the Paris Protocol (PP) is its close congruence to the arrangements that the

Unemployment in Macroeconomic Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Unemployment in Macroeconomic Theory - Essay Example The farmer will not get the job of the mismatch skills. Another cause of structural unemployment is the geographical immobility. This is a situation where an individual is not able to move to another place for a job opportunity. He or she mays decided to remain jobless due to the fact that he or she cannot move to another geographical area even if a job is guaranteed. Some of the reasons behind are family’s issues or health issues. One can leave a job opportunity and remain close to the family. Change in technology can also cause structural unemployment. This is because some people are resistant to change. When new technology is introduced, they find it difficult to adapt to its use. Some are forced to quit their jobs due to the technology illiteracy. However, structural unemployment issue can solved if people accept to go for retraining if they want to be considered in re-employment. People searching for jobs should also accept to change their geographical locations if the jo b opportunity demands them to. Furthermore those who are working in technology driven companies should be able to adjust to the changes in technology. Another type of unemployment is the frictional unemployment. This type of unemployment occurs when one leaves the current and become unemployed when he or she is still looking for another job. Some can leave their jobs just to have time to relax themselves (Wessels, 93). The main cause of this type of unemployment is the movement of people between jobs, locations or careers. One of the cause of this unemployment is when someone is fresh from college and do not understand the labor markets. The graduate will be expecting to get a better paying job. During this time... The intention of this study is to provide comprehensive theoretic analysis of the issue of unemployment and also determines the ways of addressing this problem, in order to achieve high levels of economic development. There are many effects that are caused by unemployment, which can either be direct or indirect. Unemployment is situations where people who get job they are searching. These people do have any income. They have to look for other options that will help them get jobs. Unemployment can either be voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary unemployment is where one renders himself or herself jobless knowingly. This is caused by many factors both economical and in the markets. Another type of unemployment is the structural unemployment. This is a type of unemployment where capital labor situations make people to be unemployed. These capital labor situations reduced labor demand. Structural unemployment always occurs when the new job vacancies mismatch with the skills that are available. Frictional unemployment occurs when one leaves the current and become unemployed when he or she is still looking for another job. Some can leave their jobs just to have time to relax themselves Cyclic unemployment is the most volatile type. It is caused by lack of goods and services demand. It is sometimes referred to as demand deficient unemployment because it is related to the economic capacity. It always occurs when GDP growth rate moves in moves in different direction with the rate of employment.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Service, Solidarity and social justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Service, Solidarity and social justice - Essay Example In the author’s view, social injustices and suffering do have an exact form of measure thereby making it difficult to quantify or minimize. The three personalities showed solidarity with the poor, fought for their rights and stood by them. However, the culprits oppressing the disadvantage take every measure to ensure they continue with their oppression; a good example being the killings of Romero and Gustavo when they were campaigning against the oppression of the poor. The author proposes that the best way to deal with suffering and violence is to lay down fundamentals such as schools and hospitals. Additionally, many other allies to join the fight against oppression the way Martin Luther and the predecessors have done in the past. In summary, the author views accompaniments as the best way of dealing with grief and loss. One of the author’s main point of argument is that fields such as medicine and public health are neglecting the issue of grief and loss. I think this is not true because one of the fundamental principles taught to medicine students is how to console their patients and make them feel at home even when they are facing the toughest challenges such as cancer. In my opinion, doctors and public health officials offer much consolation the same way the liberation fighters provide solidarity to the poor. On the other hand, I strongly concur with the author that indeed it is quite challenging to quantify the amount of suffering one experience. Suffering that causes grief and loss are subjective in that what I view as suffering may not be misery to another person. The controversial view of suffering makes it hard to dealing with it. Respecting and acknowledging the efforts that activists such as Romero, Gustavo, and Martin did put in liberating the poor from oppression is not inevitable as they impacted on the lives of the helpless at a time of

CLC EMR Business Plan-Executive summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

CLC EMR Business Plan-Executive summary - Essay Example 11). That is, organizations all around the globe are doing all their best to promote their competitive advantage in their respective industries. To be specific, hospitals and other institutions all around the world are fighting tooth and nail to remain up to date with all major technological advancements that influence their success in the health industry (Rochelle and Courtney, 2010). It is hereby clear that for any organization to triumph in the current and future status of different industries, technology has to be in the forefront of the day-to-day operations (Kate, 2012). In this sense, this paper aims to provide a market plan for promoting the adoption of Healthland EMR software via an account of Inner City Care LLC. To ensure that the business plan succeeds in promoting the targeted area of concern, this paper is divided into five major sections (Rochelle and Courtney, 2010). The first section analyses the background of the company that this paper aims to lay on its major mark eting strategy. This is followed by a thorough analysis of the market that this industry dwells on. Thirdly, a well-planned sales and marketing strategy is described to clarify how exactly the business is going to promote its competitive advantage. ... e at the companies two main areas concern, namely, the Inner City Care Hospital (ICCH) and Inner City Care Clinic (ICC) (Rochelle and Courtney, 2010). In addition, recent acquirement of 4 satellite clinics create a clear background of how the company’s focus has greatly benefited from technology (Kate, 2012). To be brief, Inner City Care LLC is made up by a membership of thirty (30) people whom have enjoyed the fact that the company has an expansive customer base. That is, through its technologically focused health care services, the company has created a great customer base, which keeps on expanding day in day out. This great background of Inner City Care hospital has played a huge in ensuring that a more strategized business plan has to be in place to guarantee the company’s vision. The chief vision at Inner City Care LLC has been to create a full service medical centre along with clinics. This is to ensure that Inner City maintains its focus on the use of technologic ally advanced medical services and advanced learning and research opportunities for the respective stakeholders (Rochelle and Courtney, 2010). Essentially, this vision has been playing a very huge role the partnerships between the company and other education institutions. This is to provide a platform for novices and other advanced members in the industry to get well prepared to be successful in promoting the globally accepted standards of high-tech health care professionals. Among some of the most notable advancements in the United States’ health industry is the use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems (Rochelle and Courtney, 2010). Several health care organizations are taking advantage of the fact there is a large number of software development companies that deliver these products and at

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Service, Solidarity and social justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Service, Solidarity and social justice - Essay Example In the author’s view, social injustices and suffering do have an exact form of measure thereby making it difficult to quantify or minimize. The three personalities showed solidarity with the poor, fought for their rights and stood by them. However, the culprits oppressing the disadvantage take every measure to ensure they continue with their oppression; a good example being the killings of Romero and Gustavo when they were campaigning against the oppression of the poor. The author proposes that the best way to deal with suffering and violence is to lay down fundamentals such as schools and hospitals. Additionally, many other allies to join the fight against oppression the way Martin Luther and the predecessors have done in the past. In summary, the author views accompaniments as the best way of dealing with grief and loss. One of the author’s main point of argument is that fields such as medicine and public health are neglecting the issue of grief and loss. I think this is not true because one of the fundamental principles taught to medicine students is how to console their patients and make them feel at home even when they are facing the toughest challenges such as cancer. In my opinion, doctors and public health officials offer much consolation the same way the liberation fighters provide solidarity to the poor. On the other hand, I strongly concur with the author that indeed it is quite challenging to quantify the amount of suffering one experience. Suffering that causes grief and loss are subjective in that what I view as suffering may not be misery to another person. The controversial view of suffering makes it hard to dealing with it. Respecting and acknowledging the efforts that activists such as Romero, Gustavo, and Martin did put in liberating the poor from oppression is not inevitable as they impacted on the lives of the helpless at a time of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Edwin H. Sutherland Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Edwin H. Sutherland - Research Proposal Example This essay is based upon one of the most celebrated criminologists of the twentieth-century and his theories: Edwin Sutherland. He was born August 13, 1883 in Gibbon, Nebraska and died in 1950. He grew up and studied in Ottawa, Kansas, and Grand Island, Nebraska. In 1904 he received the B.A degree from Grand Island College, and after that, he taught Latin, Greek, history, and shorthand for two years at Sioux Falls College in South Dakota. In 1906 he left Sioux Falls College and entered graduate school at the University of Chicago from which he received his doctorate. (Gaylord, 1988:7-12) There, he changed his major from history to Sociology. Much of his study was influenced by Chicago school's approach to the study of crime that emphasized human behavior as determined by social and physical environmental factors, rather than genetic or personal characteristics. After completing graduate studies he was employed at the University of Minnesota between 1926 and 1929 and solidified his reputation as one of the country's leading criminologists. During this period, his focus was on Sociology as a scientific enterprise whose goal was the understanding and control of social problems, including crime (Gaylord, 1988:13). Later he moved to Indiana University and became the founder of the Bloomington school of Criminology at Indiana University. During that time, he published 3 books, including Twenty Thousand Homeless Men (1936), The Professional Thief (1937), and the third edition of Principles of Criminology (1939). In 1939 he was elected president of the American Sociological Society, and in 1940 was elected president of the Sociological Research Association. According to him, "Criminology is the body of knowledge regarding delinquency and crime as a social phenomena. It includes within its scope the process of making laws, breaking laws, and of reacting toward the breaking of laws. These processes are three aspects of a somewhat unified sequence of interactions. The objective of Criminology is the development of a body of general and verified and principles and of other types of knowledge regarding this process of law, crime, and reaction to crime." (1974: 3) He was the first twentieth century criminologist to forcefully argue that criminal behavior was learned. His theory of differential association, developed in 1934 and 1947, was that persons who become criminal do so because of contacts with criminal patterns and isolations from non-criminal patterns. Differential association theory was Sutherland's major sociological contribution to Criminology; similar in importance to strain theory and social control theory. These theories all explain deviance in terms of the individual's social relationships. Sutherland's theory departs from the pathological perspective and biological perspective by attributing the cause of crime to the social context of individuals. "He rejected biological determinism and the extreme individualism of psychiatry, as well as economic explanations of crime. His search for an alternative understanding of crime led to the development of differential association theory. In contrast to both classical and biological theories, differential asso

Monday, October 14, 2019

Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay Example for Free

Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay On April 16, 1963, from the jail of Birmingham, Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote an extensive letter to eight clergymen who attacked his work for civil rights in a public statement released on April 12, 1963. Martin Luther King, Jr. aimed this letter at those eight leaders of the white Church of the South. However, the eight clergymens letter and the response from Martin Luther King, Jr. were publicly published. Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted to convince of the utility of his commitment in this particular area at this specific moment. To persuade his readers, Martin Luther King, Jr. appeals to his own reputation and wisdom. Second, he tries to arouse sympathy in the readers to influence them emotionally. Finally, he appeals to logic, supported with evidence and citations from influential thinkers. This paragraph starts with a delicate yet strong statement from King whom wants to say, Honest confession that over the past few years has been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. The imagery used in his topic sentence, honest confession, gives you the impression that he is opening his deepest and most heart felt feelings then; when he is disappointed gravely, as he said, by the white moderates reactions to his direct action, you begin to feel a prejudice towards them from the very start. This imagery is continued when King states his regrettable conclusion about what the real obstacles King also relates the white moderates main argument, the idea that direct action is not necessary and that all problems are resolved over time, with an unrealistic image. King states that the white moderates actions or inactions are guided by a mythical concept of time, which leads the white moderate to believe that there is a more convenient season, which must be on a later date. This argument also ties into an argument made in a later paragraph which starts by saying, such an attitude stems from a tragic misconception of time, from the strangely irrational notion that there is something in the very flow of time that will inevitably cure all ills. It comes to Kings attention that these members of the white moderate are not of ill will, but he argues that this in essence is worse than being of ill will because Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Not only does Martin Luther King Jr. give the white moderate a negative connotation, but also when told I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action, he relates the white moderates argument with a father telling a child to wait for he wants. The white moderate paternalistically believes that they can set a time table for another mans freedom. This argument is subtle yet effective because the idea is a paradox, in that you cannot be paternal in relation to a man, someone who has reached manhood or maturity. The overall meaning and essence of the letter written by Martin Luther King Jr. while he was in jail gave the white leaders and black leaders a reason for negotiation on the cause for desegregation. Martin Luther King Jr. as successful in his attempt to lead a non-violent protest in light to his feeling for Gandhi and make a huge accomplishment once again for black African Americans in the city. The protests which lead to Martin Luther King Jr. to Birmingham jail gave a chance to help desegregation take place and leave a positive impact on the people of color, and the whites. The Letter from the Birmingham jail made a huge impact and change on the lives of thousands of African Americans.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Romanesque and Gothic Architecture Similarities

Romanesque and Gothic Architecture Similarities Romanesque architecture between 800 and 1150AD was popular in Western Europe which then rose to the gothic style. Pre-Romanesque style developed by using elements of roman design in the Christian churches in the states of Western Europe. By the end of the pre-Romanesque period Roman elements had fused with Byzantium elements from the Middle East, these influences became known as the Romanesque, meaning in the manner of Rome. The appearance of the Romanesque style was multi storey entrance facades of geometric appearance buildings. Stone was a very popular material used in the buildings. Huge vaults and arches was one of the main characteristics of the time. Masonry vaulting since the beginning of Christian architecture had only been used in buildings of relatively small scale. Romanesque churches, on the other hand, sustained massive barrel vaults, making it compulsory to reinforce the load-bearing walls in order to carry the lateral outward thrust. The frequent presence of galleries above the aisles, sometimes with half-barrel vaults, is in all probability rooted in structural considerations connected with the problem of abutment. The use of wall openings to a minimum, due to the same concern, contributed to the sober yet soberly impressive character of the light. Each individual building has a clearly definite form which often consists of very regular and symmetrical plans so the overall appearance is known as a form of simplicity. Romanesque architecture mainly depends on its walls which are known as piers. Piers are sections of the wall that appear mostly at the intersection of two large arches, which are those crossing under the nave and the transept which is always in a circular shape, each arch is supported on its own supporting rectangular pier which is found at each right angle. Most of the buildings are mostly made from wooden roofs, mostly of a simple truss, tie beam or king post form. When the case of trussed rafter roofs occurs they will then be lined with wooden ceilings. The most important feature of Romanesque churches was the towers. Romanesque church facades were always built to face the west end of the building and are usually symmetrical and has a large central doorway made mostly by its moldings or porch and a arrangement of arched-topped windows which can be seen above the doorway. In Italy there is a single central ocular window which is most probably known a s the most common decorative feature, as well as the arcading. One of the most important structural developments of the Romanesque era was the vault. Originally intended as an alternative to fire prone wooden roofs, vaults became a major innovation in architectural features. The cross vault was used throughout Europe even though it was heavy and difficult to construct so thus it was replaced with the rib and panel vault. The Church I chose the SantAmbrogio was originally built during the 4th Century but was excavated beneath the existing building. With the west facing faà §ade, the use of vaulting is clearly seen throughout the church, down either side of the isle and leading to the nave. Although stone is not the main material used it can be seen in certain aspects of the church. The large central portal includes carvings. Gothic architecture, known at the time as the French style, started in the first half of the 12th century and continued well into the 16th century. Gothic architecture was made up from the previous architectural genre, Romanesque. For the most important part, there was no difference between the two, as there was later to be in Renaissance Florence with the sudden restoration of the Classical style by Brunelleschiwhich came from the early 15thcentury. Eventually Gothic architecture was brought south to Italy by the French. The characteristics of Gothic Style features include those of the pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the flying buttress traceried windows. The thin walls, slender columns, and the very large areas of glass in Gothic buildings gave an impression of lightness. It consisted of a central nave flanked by aisles, with or without transept, and was finished by a choir surrounded by an ambulatory with chapels. The ribs which held up the vaults were aligned to make a pattern of a diamond on the ceilings. These elements were however no longer treated as single units but were properly integrated within a joined spatial scheme. The exterior view was mostly dominated by the twin towers. The facade was pierced by doorways often decorated with varies sculptures and at a higher level appeared a central stained glass rose window. Due to the outward pressure of the vaults there became a need for buttresses. Windows were very important in the churches. Each stained glass had a message in it which was t aken from a bible piece to pass across a message. Gothic architecture is unique in many different ways but mostly by its use of materials. Regional influences played a huge role in the design variations and preferences for the different building materials. While in France the most common materials used were limestone, England witnessed a great use of red sandstone and coarse limestone with marble which was known as Purbeck architectural features. Similarly, while in Northern Germany and the Baltic nations, the tradition was that of mainly using bricks, in Italy, the most preferred material was marble. Timber was also one of the materials used, which is seen in the hammer-beam ceilings and rafters. Some of the structural innovations included, the use of a reinforcing block or wall of masonry adding support to the great vaults arches. Moulded or otherwise decorated band or series of bands around an opening of an arch. Supportive arch constructed within a wall, often above an architrave, serving to absorb weight upon a passageway or portal below. Notre dame in Paris is one of the finest examples of churches in the gothic period. Its sculptures and stained glass show the heavy influence of naturalism. It was among the first buildings in the world to use the flying buttress. The building was not originally designed to include the flying buttresses around the choir and nave. After the construction began and the thinner walls grew ever higher, stress fractures began to occur as the walls pushed outward. In response, the cathedrals architects built supports around the outside walls, and later additions continued as such. Also the front having two towers popular of gothic style as well as the popular central stained glass rose window. Romanesque and Gothic Architecture is very similar in many forms, even though they are very similar in many aspects they also have their own characteristics. Gothic Architecture did get most of its forms from the Romanesque area, things like vaults and arches although they were evolved to be used in gothic buildings. Similarities between gothic and Romanesque includes the use of the arch, which was first seen in the Romanesque churches throughout Europe and then later in gothic buildings, but had been adjusted to a more pointed arch compared to the rounded Romanesque form. Another form found both in Romanesque and gothic architecture is the towers although very irregular in Romanesque they were a form of asymmetrical balance in Gothic architecture. Also the use of stone as a material was also started during the Romanesque period and continued into the gothic time such as timber used for the roof trusses. Another feature would be the use of columns, used in both types of architecture they were changed from the Romanesque to gothic. The multi story Facades were used in both Romanesque and Gothic architecture. Vaulting used during these periods were started with the rib and panel vault in the gothic period but then perfected during the gothic period with the split vault. The rose or wheel windows st arted making an appearance in during Romanesque time but the final central rose window was perfected above the main entrance door usually facing to the west (started during Romanesque) during the gothic period. Each of these eras had their own structural innovations that changed the way architects and builders designed and built the buildings and most can even be seen in architecture today. One of the most important being the vault created during the Romanesque time but altered and perfected during the gothic period. The gothic period brought the use of Masonry in walls to create support in the vaults and arches.Romanesque was designed to be more for protective purposes than for any aesthetic quality, as gothic cathedrals. Monasteries housed the relics of saints, and during the Romanesque period the cult of relics became a major cultural factor influencing architecture. Gothic style has three main characteristics that make it its own unique style: highness, vertical lines and flying buttresses. Romanesque buildings were solid, heavy because of the thick walls, and, as a result of the comparatively small windows, dimly lighted. They had a heavy frame structure. Gothic cathedrals were built w ith a slender skeleton, made up with pointed arches and flying buttresses, which gives impressions of harmony and luminosity.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Argumentative Essay: The Appalling Lack of Gun Control in the United States :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

There is an appalling, despicable lack of gun control in the United States. In my opinion the manner in which the issue of gun control is approached in this country is bordering on criminal negligence in and of itself. The insanity surrounding this controversial issue is taking the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights in the United States constitution way too far. I ask myself this question, could the Founding Fathers of this amazing country have possibly envisioned a world in which teenagers could casually walk into a classroom, pull out a loaded pistol and cold bloodily murder their teachers and fellow classmates? I think not. I would posit that these fine men, these symbols of American liberty and democracy would turn in their graves if they could see how their words, their intentions, were manipulated and grossly misinterpreted, to serve the purposes of those who pretend to be protecting the rights of their fellow American Citizens. On the contrary, it is my belief that t hey, the politicians, are recklessly endangering those whose rights they claim to be protecting. The Government needs to take a hard, honest look at the tragic loss of life that occurs in this country due to gun shootings, both intentional and accidental. The government needs to assume responsibility for this outrageous situation and realize that gun control in the United States needs to be Federally regulated, sooner rather than later. Wherein lies the difficulty in subjecting citizens to more stringent gun control measures? What possible reasons could politicians have for opposing safety measures such as the mandatory registration of firearms, five day waiting periods, gun licensing for owners, permits to purchase and permits to carry guns as well as mandatory background checks? If you want to carry a firearm, I feel that all of the afore mentioned requirements, at the very least, should be instituted in every single state. For heavens sake, it is more difficult to enroll your child in school than it is to buy and own a gun in this country. Does that seem logical? Not to me. The reason being that as this controversy plays out, as the NRA (National Rifle Association), the various politicians and the many interest groups squabble aimlessly back and forth with each other, more innocent people are losing their lives everyday, no in fact, every minute!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Schiaparelli vs Chanel

In Judith Thurman’s article for The New Yorker, â€Å"Mother of Invention in Fashion† she tells of the life and fashion influence of designer Elsa Schiaparelli. The name may not be familiar to fashion outsiders but the Italian designer emerged around the same time period as the better-known Coco Chanel. While Chanel is most known for her simple cut clothing and classic designs, Schiaparelli is known for her courageous use of eclectic patterns and colorful zippers.In a world of fashion where firsts are a rarity, Schiaparelli is recognized for innovations such as the overall, the power suit, colored hosiery and the wedge, a shoe that has yet to go out of style just to name a few. She had the boldness to design scarf dresses in bright fuchsia and mix and match sportswear in an array of knits. She was there for society during a time of adventure and outspokenness and through her daring designs she gave women an outlet to express themselves.During World War II Schiaparelli p ut designing on the backburner due to the political situation and instead used her popular influence to help raise funds for various French relief charities. She refused to design clothes at such a time of suffering and terror and through this act she showed her solidarity and strong ethics. Her rival, Gabrielle â€Å"Coco† Chanel was shacked up with a Nazi officer at the fancy Ritz while women were wearing her black designs to funerals for the many that were dying throughout the country.As the war came to an end Chanel came back strong with her original designs as simple and as black as ever just what society needed-mindless outfits. This society who was once willing to work and try to stand out, now just wanted to blend into the sorrowful world that the war had turned life into, they didn’t want to think at all. In the time of pre World War II, society was willing to go out of their way for fashion, to strive to stand out and be bold, to try and to work for it. Schap arelli was a â€Å"poet of couture† as Thurman calls her, â€Å"she designed clothes for an emboldened and unbeholden New Woman†.(Thurman, 1) Postwar the world was in a conservative state, the demand for fuchsia and graphic knitwear was not high, and â€Å"her work was out of tune with the tastes of a conservative postwar public†. (Thurman, 3) The innovative work of Schaparelli was recognized and at a time useful to the general public but its uniqueness was not good enough to stay in society’s minds and unlike Chanel, it did not become a household name. Women no longer wanted to be outspoken, they instead wanted their clothing to speak for them.The little black dress practically invented by Chanel did just that-it spoke for itself. Throughout decades Chanel has created a following strong enough that in a sense it is its own category of style and has kept its affluent name throughout depressions and economic plights. The highest forms of royalty, the great est icons and even the First Ladies of America clad themselves in the classic tweed of Chanel. The mindlessness of being able to rely on the classic cut, the clean lines and the dependent mix of grays and blacks are what makes Chanel a â€Å"go-to† for recognized and upper class women.Chanel represents the adaptation of fashion, postwar women did not want to try, they did not want to â€Å"think too hard† or work for fashion. Chanel doesn’t want you to work at all, her clothing is meant to be worn and say enough for you, one of her classics, the little black dress symbolizes a woman putting on a dress that speaks for itself, it screams classy and timeless. Thurman writes, in reference to monumental breakthroughs such as â€Å"monotheism, penicillin, the little black dress, â€Å"history tends to remember those who have one big idea.† (1) Chanel had big ideas, even if they were adapted from what was already invented, and those ideas were timeless. When on e is wearing Chanel that is what is seen, it is not the women in Chanel that stands out but the Chanel on the woman. The little black dress which is casually referred to by today’s designers as the â€Å"LBD† has become such a staple that rarely will a woman’s closet be lacking at least one. A little black dress is hardly as exciting and conversational as a hot pink pantsuit or as daring as sportswear with animal shaped buttons, but its black simplicity is mindless.It was exactly how society wanted its women to behave at the end of the 1940’s; the little black dress spoke for them because nobody wanted them to speak for themselves. A woman standing in the corner at a dinner party wearing Chanel does not need to be attended to, the fact that she is donning Chanel says just enough. She is wealthy, she is taken care of and anything she feels the need to say is being said by her Chanel outfit. One of the best known images of the little black dress is in Blake Edward’s film adaptation of Truman Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s.Audrey Hepburn plays the naive yet eccentric character of Holly Golightly and her look has become legendary. Her hair pulled tightly into a bun and a never ending strand of pearls wrapped around her neck all of which accessorize her classic little black dress and a long stemmed cigarette that she has, without fail, permanently in hand. Hepburn, frequently clad in Chanel, prances around the city as if it is her playground, nonchalantly yet tragically running with a different gentleman every evening.It would seem that she enjoys their company but she refers to them as â€Å"rats† during her daily rants to her new companion and neighbor. This character remains unnamed in the book but through the film we learn that his name is Paul, although Holly finds him uncannily familiar to his brother and insists on calling him Fred. Holly Golightly’s behavior is eccentric and sometimes unprompte d and in both the film and the novel the audience and readers are able to grasp this unpredictable aspect of her personality.Edwards and Capote’s depiction of Holly is incredibly different in their respective portrayals of this wild character. Although the storylines differ each of their portrayals successfully convey Holly as the entertaining woman that she is. Capote’s version makes readers push themselves and question Holly as a character is she a phony? Is her behavior really past her? Does Holly not see what is going on? Readers are delving deep and thinking hard to understand the Holly Golightly in the text. We are looking deep into her character and trying to see her for who she is, to understand this seemingly complex woman.But then there is something about the Holly Golightly that Blake Edwards has created, a facade that appears in part due to her memorable ensemble. The movie’s Holly Golightly is easier for the audience to understand and empathize with . There is no thinking involved, just a beautiful face and a simple little black dress. The Chanel-clad Holly allows us to look at her without really looking into her, we are satisfied with what we see and our judgment is left at that. The Chanel little black dress is speaking for Holly and it is giving off an impression that leaves the audience excusing her for her petty actions.One of the most notable differences between the movie and the book is the ending that Paramount pictures completely changed from how Truman Capote first wrote it. Holly’s main eccentricity is that she is constantly traveling, never being able to settle in one place that she finds herself comfortable in. â€Å"I don't want to own anything until I find a place where me and things go together. I'm not sure where that is†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Capote,) At the end of the novel Holly remains her true nomadic and the last readers hear of her is through a postcard sent from Brazil to the narrator, like expected she has not settled down.Then there is the film version of Holly, a character who we choose to take for what she is, whatever that may be. In the film the narrator Paul/Fred, is able to convince Holly to stay in New York, as he departs from a taxicab ride with her the audience thinks this is the last time they will ever see each other and the narrator, a man who is clearly head over heels for Holly, gives her a peace of his mind, and a glimpse into his broken heart: â€Å"You know what's wrong with you, Miss Whoever-You-Are?You're chicken; you've got no guts. You're afraid to stick out your chin and say, â€Å"Okay, life's a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that's the only chance anybody's got for real happiness. You call yourself a free spirit, a wild thing, and you're terrified somebody's going to stick you in a cage. Well, baby, you're already in that cage. You built it yourself†¦it's wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you ju st end up running into yourself.†(Breakfast at Tiffany’s) Then to reader’s surprise but to audiences content Holly returns the narrator’s gestures! The Holly in the book would have never settled for love and given in to one man Holly was a traveler never settling for one man or one address. The Holly in the movie has just been put in her place and audiences expect this of her and they accept it. Of course the lady in Chanel will fall in love in this fairytale-like rainy scene.For a Schiaparelli wearing character we expect more, we don’t expect her to take such confrontation and to be told where she stands in the world, but the Chanel wearing woman will be swept off her feet and won over by her neighborly suitor. How is it that courtesy is given to the Holly Golightly in the film but yet the novel’s version of Holly would never be excused like this? Society, being the funny unpredictable way it is has the ability to turn its head at certain ev ents or times.In Thurman’s article we see that Schiaparelli and Chanel started off on equal ground but it is only one designer that is still around today: â€Å"Coco Chanel and Elsa Schiaparelli launched their fashion houses in the first decades of the last century like two rockets with equal payloads of ambition. Chanel settled into the lower and brighter-more visible-orbit, which the gravity of convention begins to erode. Schiaparelli exerts her influence like a distant celestial body on women and designers who may see hot pink when they free-associate her name, but who otherwise have no precise image of her work.†(Thurman, 1) For such originality, Schiaparelli was merely lost in the times and is only a memory with no precise image attached to her name. Was she who we should have remembered? While Schiaparelli was working for a good cause during the war and using her resources to raise money for French charities, Chanel was holed up decadently with a Nazi officer liv ing a lifestyle totally oblivious to the world’s events. Yet society turns its head and excuses Chanel’s actions just as quickly as they forget Schiaparelli’s heroic ones.Schiaparelli might not have been lost in the times had she made it simpler on us, had she tended to society’s needs. We give Chanel the courtesy that we give Edward’s version of Holly Golightly and we give Schiaparelli no courtesy at all. Edward’s Holly Golightly makes it easy to fall for her quirky little expressions and disregard towards the real world, the fairytale ending we are left with is simple and does not leave the audience wondering and digging deeper and for that we love the simplicity and mindlessness of the film’s Holly Golightly.It is the Holly Golightly in the film adaptation of Breakfast at Tiffany’s that has become illustrious throughout the years; her timelessness has stuck around like Chanel’s while the original novella’s fame has fizzled out like Schiaparelli’s. Like Chanel, the film version of Holly Golightly is one that the audience does not have to work to understand. Readers are sick of working to understand Truman Capote’s original Breakfast at Tiffany’s like women were sick of working to understand Schiaparelli.Sometimes it is the easy and the mindless that society not only wants but needs, and they are willing to throw all originality out the window for it. Works Cited Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Dir. Blake Edwards. Paramount Pictures, 1961. DVD. Capote, Truman. Breakfast At Tiffany’s. New York: Vintage Books, 1993. Thurman, Judith. â€Å"Mother of Invention in Fashion. † The New Yorker 27 Oct. 2003: 1-3. Print.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Advertising †the Main Cause of Unhealthy Eating Habits Essay

Nowadays, the advertisement is becoming so vast. Everybody in our society watching TV or searching additional information on internet and every day we meet with advertising. Generally, advertising plays an irreplaceable role in luring people to buy food and thus contributes to unhealthy eating habits. However, advertising is not the main purpose of these unhealthy eating habits. There are others factors to buy unhealthy eating habits, such as, increasing stress of work, less time for taking a good meal. Therefore I’m in disagreement with the statement. Firstly, people every time are in a fast rhythm of life, they hasten of their work at the morning, than searching a little period of time to have a lunch and after hardworking day they hasten to their homes to have a little rest, in this regard, coming home, they gorge on the night, which has also a very bad effect on the body. So some people gradually form a habit of eating a lot of food merely to stuff their stomach when they are not really hungry. This is something like a defense response of body. I believe, nowadays, people form bad eating habits partly owing to the hurry in their daily life. The second cause of malnutrition is a wrong concept of healthy eating. Many of the girls trying to be thin restrict themselves from sweet and calorie products, but also from the products that can actually be very healthy. Accordingly, one crucial cause of unhealthy eating habits is the wrong concept of beauty in modern society rather than advertisements. In conclusion, advertising is not the main cause of unhealthy eating habits. Working stress, wrong concept of beauty and lack of time for dinners also lead to unhealthy eating habits.

Introduction to Waste Management Essay

Over the past few years, public concern has been growing over the disposal of wastes produced by health care facilities in the Philippines. Several reports have cited large, albeit inconsistent, figures of the amount of infectious waste hospitals in Metro Manila produce daily, and little information is available on what is done with these wastes, especially after the banning of incineration in the country. More recently, these concerns have been fueled by reports that some of these wastes end up in our open dumpsites and in some cases, in rivers, leading some sectors to call for the allowing of incineration once again. Health care waste can be managed properly without the use of incinerators that produce toxic air pollutants that pose threat to human health and environment. To begin with, not all of the wastes produced by hospitals are infectious or hazardous. With proper management and the use of well-known solid waste management tools such as segregation and recycling, the portion of a hospital’s waste stream that poses risk to human and environmental health need not be cause of public fear. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2000, 21 million people all over the world were infected with the hepatitis B virus due to injections with contaminated syringes. Another 2 million people were infected with the hepatitis C virus due to the same cause, and about 260,000 were infected with HIV. Ironically, all these people acquired diseases as a result of the practices of the very institutions that should be protecting their health. The sheer nature of providing health care, unfortunately, creates wastes that can pose serious environmental and health risks to health care workers, waste handlers, and even waste pickers. This, however, is the case only if the wastes produced by health care facilities are not managed properly. In 2002, though, a WHO assessment conducted in 22 developing countries showed that 18% to 64% of health care facilities do not use proper waste disposal methods. While most of the waste produced by health care facilities is not any more dangerous than regular household waste, some types do represent a higher risk to health. According to the WHO, these include infectious waste (15% to 25% of total healthcare waste), among which are sharps waste (1%), body part waste (1%), chemical or pharmaceutical waste (3%), and radioactive and cytotoxic waste or broken thermometers (less than 1%). Improperly managed and disposed, these wastes can expose health care workers and the public to risk of infections. In order to fulfill the medical ethic to â€Å"first do no harm†, the health care industry has a responsibility to manage waste in ways that protect both the public and the environment. Poor management of health care waste potentially exposes health care workers, waste handlers, patients and community at large to infection, toxic effects and injuries, and risks for polluting the environment. It is essential that all medical waste materials are segregated at the point of generation, approximately treated and disposed of safely. The purpose of this study is to have a practical understanding and to raise the lore of the patients and so as their significant others regarding the significance and essentiality of proper health care waste management, and also to raise the quality of the health care environment.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Creating a Social Program for the Prevention of Child Abuse Essay

Creating a Social Program for the Prevention of Child Abuse - Essay Example As the discussion highlights  the effects of abuse do have very far reaching consequences in the lives of the abused. Many of them develop psychiatric disorders in their future life. There is more chance for them to experience teenage pregnancy, or commit violent crimes. They are more likely to turn to be alcohol and drug addicts in the future. All these factors have intensified the need to have a strong and organized counter strategy to fight against child sexual abuse. Child abuse results in the development of many harmful effects in children: â€Å"The symptoms can include post-traumatic symptoms, precocious sexualization, depression, anxiety, guilt, fear, sexual dysfunction, dissociative symptoms, eating disorders, substance abuse, prostitution, regressive behaviors such as a return to thumb-sucking or bed-wetting, runaway behavior, and academic and behavior problems.†Ã‚  This paper discusses that  identifying the abused children is an important factor to provide them with the necessary guidance and counseling. According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway, â€Å"learning to recognize the signs of child abuse and neglect† is the first step in helping abused or neglected children and â€Å"a single sign does not prove child abuse is occurring in a family.  It is necessary to have an understanding of the prevailing Governmental and Non- Governmental Organizations that aim at the prevention of child abuse in the United States through various social programs.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Gamal Abdel Nasser Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Gamal Abdel Nasser - Essay Example The nationalist revival during the period of British occupation revealed a public awareness among a segment of Cairo's population, but this seldom was transacted into positive achievements. Instead, the Egypt of 1952 was a stagnant country. Beset by political strife, successive national governments did little to foster the country's development. An archaic structure of land ownership, abysmal living conditions among the great majority of the population, an economy geared to benefit a privileged few, and political instability--this was the legacy after thirty years of independence (Frederick, 268). The existing political parties abdicated their right to govern. In their struggle with the King and their quest for power and office, they treaded ruthlessly on the welfare of their country. Egypt's political structure blocked progress, rooted as it was in the status quo. No parliament controlled by wealthy landowners and Cairo's privileged social elite would support sweeping reform programs to the detriment of the vested interests. Few groups were untainted by the corruption which permeated Cairo. Many ranking civil servants owed their positions to partisan politics; landowners gained protection from the Wafd; businessmen were dependent upon the government for favors; and high ranking military officers often owed their posts to the King's personal support. Only the middle-class military--the captains, majors, and colonels, and, perhaps, a few generals--had the moral credentials for a bona fide movement of reform. And, after the sordid manipulation of the Alexandria cotton market and the collapse of national government in 1952, only the military was prepared to take action in the name of the people. Humiliated in the 1948 Palestine War, the Egyptian army generally had done little to distinguish itself. In its ranks, however, was a cadre of sincere and talented, though inexperienced, officers, and it was they who toppled the government in 1952. Initially, a junta sought to establish a nonpartisan civilian government, but this body proved unwilling to initiate the reforms desired by the young officers. Thus, the job of governing fell to the Free Officers by default. Governing had not been their initial purpose, and they were ill prepared for the task; but they alone were in a position to raze the "old order." And the destruction of the "old order" was a prerequisite for the implementation of profound reforms (Frederick 269). Role in Modernizing Egypt Rapid development in Egypt required an authoritarian government, and it became increasingly obvious that the Revolutionary Command Council could not measure up to the task. Instead, a single leader, a man with dictatorial powers, was needed. Gamal Abdel Nasser became dictator of Egypt in April, 1954. His was a difficult task. The country had not rallied to the military movement. Moreover, there was no panacea for Egypt's problems, and his every move drew the sniping attacks of those without the responsibilities for government. To his credit, he approached his mission boldly. Easy as it was to be irresolute, he determined what was best for

Monday, October 7, 2019

How does my school compare with other schools in the U.S Essay

How does my school compare with other schools in the U.S - Essay Example In some respects there are some schools like the universities who have access to technology but there are many websites that they block. According to Hermida the ones that are blocked have to do with sexually explicit content, womens history, religious sites, drugs and pop culture (Hermida, 2003). These sites are basically blocked because the government does not want Saudi people getting ideas that may mean they go against their religion. This is very different from U.S. education because in the U.S. there are some things that are blocked by education like pornography sites but for the most part students have access to many things that will enhance their learning. According to the Saudi government the reason why these sites are blocked is because they want to preserve their customs and their religion. When they block a site it makes sure that their people will remain loyal to their religion. This is very important on Saudi Arabia (Hermida). There is a question about the technology situation. It is one thing to have technology but if it is censored it seems that this defeats the purpose. In the U.S. students can find out about people and situations that are different from their own. In Saudi Arabia they cannot. This may mean that the Saudi children do not receive the same type of education as those in the U.S. because they lack the flexibility of the Internet. When someone takes an engineering course or something to do with business they are able to use the full technology in that area. This means that it will be offered to men more than it will be offered to women. It seems that the Saudis know that men will need to have a better understanding of the Internet because they will be doing business on a global basis. It is important to keep in mind that the goal of education in Saudi Arabia is very different than the goal of the U.S. In the U.S. people go for education because they want to advance their career or

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Marijuana Legalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marijuana Legalization - Essay Example As a result, the government should rethink the benefits that it would accrue from legalizing marijuana in the country. This paper will therefore, discuss reasons why the government should legalize marijuana. It is clear that marijuana has a major impact on the health of the human beings when abused. Many young people who have abused the drug have ended up with mental illness. Majority of them had to be taken to a rehabilitation centers (Travis 1). Others have ended up committing crime in order to sustain the use of the drug. However, the drug has been found to have major benefits when used in the medical settings. It has been clear that illegalizing the use of marijuana has a major impact on its prices. Currently, thirteen states in United States have legalized the use of the drug. However, due to the fact that the drug is illegal in other states, the prices of the drug are very high. This is because the supply is very low. Therefore, with the increasing demand for the drug in the health sector, legalizing it will enable the health centers to get access to the drug. This will serve millions of patients who are in the waiting line (Kreit 1802). In addition, the drug will be available at a cheap price because many farmers will allowed to grow the cannabis plant. Legalizing the use of the drug would have major economic benefits to the government and the people at large. Currently, running the government is costing the tax payers a lot of money. One of the main sectors that are consuming these resources is the security department. Each day hundreds of young people are arrested by the police officers after selling or abusing the drugs. The government is at a crossroad as jails continue to become more congested (Sulum 1). Cases related with this drugs have piled up, an aspect that is putting more strain on the judicial system which is